Welcome to the Journey

As you read through these journalings, I ask you to enjoy the ramblings and jestings but to also ponder the thoughts that are being pondered.

Feel free to join me on this journey through the trek of life.

Randy ~ The Toolman ~ Whistler

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coming to the End of Another Year in the Journey

2010 is drawing to an end. Thanksgiving with family will soon be here. (are you giving thanks already, in preparation for the special day?) Christmas day will be here with all the decorations, family, presents, stories, songs, pumpkin pie, and sweet potato casserole. (Are you telling others about Jesus in preparation for the anniversary of His Birthday?)

This year has had a multitude of stories to add to the praise book! From new family members and in-laws to many people coming to meet my best friend, Jesus. We have seen many healings and freedoms from cancer to some beautiful birds in our back yard. We have the excitement of a young lady going off to train to be an Officer in The Salvation Army to the taking on of a cool young couple as our new Youth Ministers. (and Barista!)

We have also seen some things that make us not so excited. These also challenge me to ask what I can learn or at least what am I supposed to learn from these situations. Death is a big one! Friends and family members passing away never gets easy. The Salvation Army calls it "promoted to Glory." That still doesn't help in the "missing them" part. Not in the time I expected is another. "Am I alone in this?" is another. ... But, if you know me, I ain't one ta focus on the bad fer to long!

So ... with the end in mind and drawing up fast I want to also remind us that the beginning is right around the corner. The new ministries of the Underground Coffee Shop and the Underground Worship; Tim and Stephanie and the new ministries that they will inspire; a new grand daughter and her awesome big sister and wonderful mommy and daddy; My son and his "Cool Beans" wife; a new niece in one of the biggest states in the US; the celebration of being married for 30 years to the most long-suffering, enduring, smoking-hot-gramma and wonderful woman of my dreams whom I just adore!

I love loving people to Jesus and I pray that as this path comes to an end and meets at the fork that will guide me into the new path that I will demonstrate this. I pray that God will use me to be the husband I need to be, the daddy I should be, the best Papa I can be, the shepherd that smells like sheep, and servant that He desires me to be.

There are times when the overwhelming "failure" feeling is there and the tears of the same are hanging out in the corners of my eyes. In those times, when I'm at the point of "I can't do this!" is right there ... That's when Jesus comes and says, "It's about time! If you could do it, then you don't need Me! I AM! Here to help and take over! Let's have a great time, okay? How about some coffee for the journey? (I love that part about Our creating!) Come on, Toolman, let's go on another trek!"

Until next time ... See ya in the woods! ~ The Toolman!